Online Follow-Up

Improve your level

Follow-up for the whole season0%
Football growth0%
Player ́s progress analysis0%

Improve your level

Follow-up for the whole season0%
Football growth0%
Player ́s progress analysis0%
Foto An†lisis
Foto comparativa

What do we offer?

We perform a professional analysis to assess the level of the player and indicate some improvement guidelines during the season.

Online player follow-up for the entire season.

Indicating guidelines, work objectives and aspects that should be improved, providing with the tools and teaching them the way forward.

Check and verify that players are performing according to the indications.

Leveling up in your evolution, overgrowing and increasing the score of previous analysis.

Resolving your football queries and doubts throughout the season. We are fully reachable both on the day of the video call and any other.

We carry out regular assessments throughout the year where we check the progress of the footballer.

Benefits for players

Sports improvement and growth.

Increased performance and improved competencies.

Achieve the best version of yourself.

Sports and personal monitoring.

Individual support and advice.

Achieve an state of emotional and sports stability.

Spanish Football methodology.

Football preparation to make breakthrough into the Spanish football.

Our Agency will serve as a showcase for future opportunities in the Spanish football.

Scouting Online